Saturday, January 19, 2008

Epicure's Bolognese

I've been at work till 11 watching my chef make Bolognese sauce; pans and pans of it, in fact. And yet it never occurred to me to do so till the other night when we had dinner guests, some expensive pasta and a pound of ground beef. So I broke out The Art of Simple Food and adapted it to what we had on hand. I used less meat, and I didn't bother mincing skirt steak. It was a touch soupy, but after the remnants had reduced during dinner, it was perfect to swipe at with bread. And great the next day with grits.

(1) T Butter, melted

(2) oz. bacon, small-medium dice

(1) medium onion, small-medium dice

(1.5) celery (about 9" total) small-medium dice

(1.5) sticks carrot (=celery), small-medium dice

(1) lb. ground beef

(1) C. dry white wine

(2) C. chicken stock

(1.5) C. milk

(2) T. tomato paste

1. Brown bacon and beef with butter

2. Sweat veg

3. Deglaze with wine

4. Mix stock, milk, and tomato paste, and add to pot. Let simmer for as long as you can-at least a half hour. It gets so much better the longer you cook it, though. And if you can wait a day before eating it, do so.

We also had little beets that I'd roasted off just for Honey and me. I pulled the little gray lumps out of the oven and began to peel them, and discovered those vibrant colors underneath. Ms. Waters suggested a little good olive oil and sea salt for vegetables. I was a little dubious, but I halved and skewered the beets, hit them with some olive oil I bought in Granada, and realized to my chagrin that I only had kosher salt. They were still gorgeous, and they made awesome hors d'oeuvres. The white ones with the red center are Cioggas (I think) and the purple one was a Red Ace, which we've been pickling the heck out of at work.

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