Friday, April 21, 2006

Does This Ever Happen to You? No? Must Just Be Me.

I came to my senses in the grocery store in the Sweet Auburn Curb Market, balancing an empty styrofoam cooler on my hip, considering whether to spend the extra three dollars on the cooler with handles, and calculating whehter the weight of ice, eggs, asparagus, and country ham would be too much to lug around for the next few hours.

I emerged realizing that there was no asparagus at the Sweet Auburn Curb Market, that the cooler would likely crack and leak on MARTA, and that my dream of picking up ingredients for dinner on a break between classes, rather than stopping at the subpar Kroger between class and home was, well, a dream. Also, I needed to go to class.

The newly-warm weather does strange things to a brain. Interesting, even meaty content in a week or so.

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