Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Those who can't write, share

I haven't been keeping up with my goal to write once a week. I tried a Valentine's Day post, but I try every year, and eventually I just get bored with failure. I tried a Sunday supper post, but I bake bread every Sunday, and writing about the menus without trying one seemed disingenuous. I'm looking forward to spring vegetables, but I still love my winter greens and turnips, and a wishy-washy post about vegetables feels pointless. I'm planting a garden, but feel like updating on that is about as welcome as coworkers' baby pictures. What do you care that the first thing to sprout was the broccoli raab from a 2003 seedlot?

I'm sure that I'll snap out of this soon. Until then I'm still sharing what I'm reading and enjoying; maybe that's worth something. The Golden Clog nominations were announced today, but for some reason, Eater is only offering me the option of subscribing to its comments, so I'm linking through Ruhlman's blog, which I love. Check it out while I languish.

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